We had gorgeous weather for our annual trip to Vala's on their opening day!
Last year, this little girl was only 5 days old on our trip to Vala's.
She was able to enjoy it much more this year!
Sy spent a lot of time looking at his map and deciding where to go next.
Lydia enjoyed petting the goats
Jonah cheered on his pig in pig races
After lunch, we watched a flying stunt dog show.
At the end the boys got to take their turn at throwing a frisbee to the dog
Grandpa, Daddy and the boys rode the family carts
And spent time jumping on the giant pumpkin pillows
We enjoyed a train ride. The boys picked the caboose for us to ride in.
Jonah and Silas rode trikes on the trike track for close to 45 minutes while
I visited with a friend I ran into.
Then, we went back to the goats to feed them.
And, we went on a barnyard adventure ride in little trailers pulled by a tractor
Everyone loved the Big Slide Ride
At the end of the day, we finally took a hayrack ride out to the
pumpkin patch to pick our pumpkins.
Grandma went on a search for the perfect pumpkin