One story about each of my little ones this afternoon-
J - At lunch today, Jonah was talking about a girl from preschool that he frequently mentions. He said, "Mommy, I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. She is so pretty. And, she is nice. She plays with me. And, I always sit by her at circle time." I think we have a boy with a little crush on a girl!
Sy - I avoid sharing things that could be embarrassing later on in life, so I hope Silas won't mind me sharing this one. We all got a pretty good laugh out of it! Yesterday, I went to get Sy up from his nap. He usually sleeps in underwear and had only had 1 nap time accident...until yesterday. I walked over to his bed and Sy said, "My pants are a little wet." Me, "They are, huh?" Sy: "Yeah, Mommy, Jonah spilled his milk all over my pants. He said it was an accident." Me: "I think you wet your pants." Sy: (getting upset) "No, Mommy. Jonah spilled his milk. He didn't mean to do it!" It took me a moment to calm him down and then figured out that Sy was dreaming when he had his accident - he dreamed Jonah was pouring his milk on him.
Lydia - our little girl is finally walking!! She still prefers crawling but is taking more an more steps each day. Saturday morning, after not taking steps for about 2 weeks, she started taking 4-6 steps at a time. This morning, I watched her take 11 before tumbling down. Walking at just over 13 months is one month later than Jonah and one month earlier than Silas. It's amazing to watch them grow!!