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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

One Thing - 2/25/14

Something about everyone...

Part of my daily routine is now practicing piano with Jonah. He is going a great job! 

Silas built this lego dog tonight. His creative mind comes up with lots of neat designs.

Tonight was bath night. Is there any way to keep Lydia's curls forever? I just LOVE them!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

One Thing - 2/23/14

Oh the fun of having a toddler around! While I was hanging up clean laundry in the boys' room, Lydia was emptying out a basket of nicely folded clothes for her to play in. Even though it gave me a little extra work to do, I enjoyed the few minutes of having Lydia sit in my lap and hand me each piece of clothing to fold. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

One Thing - 2/21/14

This is how Lydia went to bed tonight. We found her dolly at the bottom of a basket this evening after having not played with it for a week or two. Lydia was excited to have her back! We sang songs and read books to her dolly. Then, she wouldn't give her up when it was time to go to bed. So, Lydia is sleeping with Dolly and Kitty tonight. :)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

One Thing - 2/20/14

For the past week or so, Jonah has been really into Lincoln Logs. Today, he built these two buildings. He followed instructions for the building on the left and created the one on the right. I thought the small upright pieces were a fence. Jonah informed me that they are people waiting in line to get into the museum. I just LOVE the active imaginations in our house these days!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

One Thing - 2/19/14

It's been a few days since I've posted. They have been full days and I have been extra tired this week. But, they have also been good days, productive days with time spent playing outside for the first time in way too long and some freezer cooking completed with two large dishes of stuffed shells and 10 jars of "refried" beans all of which will be so helpful once the new baby arrives. 

Two things from today- 
When I picked up Jonah from his BSF class this morning, his teachers were so excited to tell me that Jonah had corrected them on their verse from today. They taught the kids "Let the little children come to me" from Matthew 19. Jonah told them that there was more to the verse and that it says "Let the little children come unto me and do not forbid them for of such is the kingdom of heaven." It took me a minute to figure out why he knew that whole verse. Then, I realized that the verse is the first song on Steve Green's Hide Em In Your Heart CD. But, I don't think we have listened to that cd for at least a year. Jonah remembered it! It was hidden in his heart! We used to listen to those CDs over and over again when he was little, Lydia's age little, but we have gotten out of the habit. What a great reminder it was to me that we need to be filling our little ones hearts and minds with truth now so that as they continue to grow they are equipped to test their experiences by what they know is the Truth - the Word.

Lydia had a rough end to her night. As she and Silas were playing and being silly before getting ready for bed, she got her little middle finger slammed in the boys' bedroom door. She started screaming right away. Thankfully, she was able to move it and it only bled slightly from getting a bunch of skin ripped off of both sides of the finger. But, it did start to bruise and swell right away. Lydia got so worked up about the experience. We tried to put ice on it, but she was resisting it. So, Lydia and I rocked and sang for a long time tonight. Mike and I managed to get her into her jammies as she cried and cried. I read her many of her favorite books and just held her tight. She would be ok until she looked at her hand and then she would lose it again. Finally, after 45 minutes, she calmed down and fell asleep in my arms while I was singing and rocking. Although I just hate having sick or hurting kids, I cherish the time I get to spend loving and cuddling them. What a blessing it was tonight to rock my sleeping Lydia while our baby boy kicked like crazy! I go to bed with a full, thankful heart tonight.

Friday, February 14, 2014

One Thing - 2/14/14

I didn't have a chance to post anything yesterday because Mike and I celebrated Valentine's Day a day early by going out to eat in downtown Lincoln and then to a Bela Fleck concert. It was such a refreshing evening! The weather was beautiful (upper 40s), which made for a great walk to the Haymarket District for supper at Lazlo's and then to the Lied Center for the concert. A very kind friend, "Auntie Lote" to the kids, stayed at our house.

Today, we had a little Valentine's Day celebration at home.

We ate a peach oven pancake with strawberries and whipped cream with bacon for supper and had homemade pudding for dessert.

Then the kids opened Valentine's cards they had gotten in the mail from grandparents. And, we gave each of them a small gift.

Lydia spent almost 45 minutes in her seat playing with her new puzzle and then stacking up the numbers over and over again. 

The boys each got a Lego Creator vehicle set. Yay for finding Legos on clearance! 

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

One Thing - 2/11/14

Happy early Valentines Day! Jonah and I need to go pick out valentines tomorrow for his preschool class

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

One Thing - 2/5/14

I don't have any pictures to share today, but we have much to be thankful for!
- I am thankful that our family is back together. Although the kids and I loved our days with Grandma and Grandpa, we are so happy to have Daddy back from his conference. Life is best when our family is together!
- I am thankful for kids who travel wonderfully. One might guess what is happening in the car 3 hours into our trip with a 5, 3, and 1 year old. But, they probably wouldn't guess that they would be giggling like crazy at each other leaving 2 with hiccups that just resulted in more giggling!
- I am thankful to be home. Time away is always nice, but it is also always so good to return. Even though we got home way past bedtime, the kids were happy, too! Lydia chased Gloria around the main floor trying to catch her. Jonah and Silas ran right upstairs to play with their Legos. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

One Thing - 2/4/14

This morning, we visited the Mountain Lake Public Library then went to Care and Share (the thrift store). The boys picked out 12 books at the library. Then, they bought 5 more at Care & Share. They have enjoyed their new books today!

Monday, February 3, 2014

One Thing - 2/3/14

The kids and I are enjoying a few days with Grandma and Grandpa while Daddy is at a conference. The boys have had a great time so far. They spent the day playing with my logos from when I was young. And, they took a break from Legos this afternoon to go snowmobiling/sledding with Grandpa. After Grandpa and Silas came in, Jonah spent awhile longer outside exploring the big snowdrifts around the house. Much to my dislike, Jonah ate quite a bit of snow...not pure, fluffy, newly fallen snow, but hard, wind-whipped at 50+ mph snow. According to him, the snow tasted very much like Wahoo snow but was a little sweeter.

Waiting to head outside 

Lydia reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar to a dolly. Lydia spent a little while outside, too. However, she didn't like the snow getting on her boots or her mittens. She did like exploring the driveway and was upset to have to go inside. Too bad we haven't had much snow in Nebraska this winter for her to learn to enjoy it!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

One Thing - 2/2/14

Lydia "helping" Daddy review his sermon before church this morning.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

One Thing - 2/1/14

Jonah loves looking at maps. Yesterday, he put together his world map puzzle. This afternoon, he is spending some time on Daddy's iPad using the Barefoot World Atlas app. It is a pretty cool app that you can use to explore the world. He has been particularly interested in exploring the Panama Canal, Isreal, Mexico, and Italy today.