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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

One Thing - 3/31/15

Oh boy am I thankful that we have another 13 years before this is a reality!

We went for a walk as the boys rode bikes this evening. Lydia was wearing out by the end, so we stuck her in the stroller with Jude. Pretty sure they both enjoyed it!

Oh, and the reason why Lydia is in different clothes is that since it was such a beautiful day (about 60 degrees), Jonah, Silas and Lydia had their first squirt gun fight of the year. If they had been keeping score, Lydia definitely would have lost!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

One Thing - 3/29/15

Although the cool wind was blowing, the kids and I enjoyed a walk around the neighborhood tonight. :)

Jude sporting his Nelson double chin 

Two boys, a stick, and a fake branch of leaves, which Jonah used to act out Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday when we got home

Grandpa - the shirt you got for me from Isreal awhile back fits me great now!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

One Thing - 3/28/15

While Lydia and Jude stayed home with a babysitter this afternoon, Mike and I took the boys to see our town's high school performance of The Wizard of Oz. It was a great show! And, the boys liked it, too! After the play, we headed to McDonald's for ice cream cones. We all enjoyed our special afternoon out together!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

One Thing - 3/26/15

Our past few weeks - 

Our whole family had an awful form of a stomach bug that lasted an average of 4 days per person. It wasn't fun. In fact, it was downright terrible. Thankfully, sweet Lydia loves to take care of her family and offered me lots of hugs and a few songs to make me feel better when I was at my worst.

In the midst of our sickness, Jude figured out how to pull up to standing. He now pulls up on anything he possibly can. He looks like such a big boy standing up!

This is all clean laundry waiting to be folded and put away. And, it's only about half of the laundry I did on the first day our whole family was healthy again. Jonah thought it would be fun to count my piles of folded laundry. He counted 28 piles. Then, he decided to count how many pieces of folded laundry there were. He stopped at 269 with more to go. I hope to never have to take care of that much laundry at one time again!

This guy is just too sweet!

The kids spent an evening at the elementary school while Mike and I went on a date. Thank you ECFE for offering a date night! It was much needed!

We helped friends from church who own an organic farm tap maple trees. It was fun to see the start of the syrup making process!

We visited Great Grandma Kapusta. Jonah was excited to see that he is growing taller and doesn't have too far to go to be taller than Great Grandma!

Silas has a ways to go before he is as tall as Great Grandma.

As part of Jonah's unit on Nate the Great, we painted pictures of Nate's dog Fang in a primary color and then mixed in another primary color. Lydia wanted to add in a third primary color. When I asked everyone what they thought would happen when we mixed all 3 primary colors, Lydia replied, "a mess." She was right.

Although not everything has happened as we would have liked over the past few weeks, we praise God for health, His faithfulness, His provision, and PBSkids!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

One Thing - 3/10/15

Praise God for warm weather! We are so thrilled to be out in the sunshine again! 

I didn't get any pictures of the boys. They were out riding bikes around our cul-de-sac. And, now everyone is out with our dirty van at the car wash. Spring has sprung!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

One Thing - 3/8/15

Yay for warmer weather! I was able to enjoy a nice long walk by myself during nap time. Then, later in the afternoon, Silas, Lydia and I went out for a walk. It was such a sweet time of exploring. We watched all the melting snow turned water pouring into the storm sewers, followed quickly moving "rivers" of water in the curb, and jumped over all the big puddles. Lydia kept telling me that she didn't want to go home. And, she discovered her shadow! It was so fun listening her talk about her shadow and watching her move about to make it move. At one point, she got confused as we walked through a shaded area. I assured her that she would see her shadow again in the sun. She excitedly ran to where the sun was shining! 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

One Thing - 3/7/15

Lydia is ready for spring! An order I had placed from Land's End arrived yesterday. Lydia (and we) loved two knit skirts that I found for her from Land's End last summer. They fit great and were so versatile. I loved the little knit shorts sewn in as well. So, when I got the most recent catalog and saw they were selling the skirts again, I ordered a couple for Lyd. She was so excited to get her Twirl Skorts in the mail and has been wearing one ever since!

Friday, March 6, 2015

One Thing - 3/6/15

While I got everyone's teeth brushed and hair combed this morning, Lydia helped with Jude's tiny bit of hair.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

One Thing - 3/5/15

Now that Jude can crawl, his next goal is to make it up the two steps to our sunken living room. He tries so hard but hasn't figured it out yet...we're ok with that!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

One Thing - 3/3/15

Jude got ready for his 9-month well visit this morning by weighing himself while showing off his clapping skills. Our kind doctor says he is a healthy boy! 21lbs 3 oz and 28 1/4 inches long!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

One Thing - 3/1/15

We went sledding this afternoon with some of our church family. We had a blast! The kids definitely didn't want to leave. I encouraged Silas that we needed to go by saying, "Look, everyone else has left. We need to go too." His reply? - "We don't have to do what everybody else does!"


Silas with a few friends

Jude just hung out and got lots of attention from some sweet girls!