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Saturday, December 20, 2014

One Thing - 12/20/14

Whew! Grandma and Grandpa Nelson just left after being at our house for just about a day. It was a great and wonderfully helpful 24 hours! 

They brought this beautiful entry bench that my dad made. I am so thrilled that our shoes, hats, and mittens will now have a more organized home!

Grandma brought a couple of new-to-us Berenstain Bear books that she found at the thrift store in Mountain Lake.

Grandma brought a yummy meal for supper and lots of our favorite desserts. Then, they watched some stories on Grandpa's iPad and played a board game.

After everyone was in bed, we played cribbage and rummy - an enjoyable pastime we don't get to do much in these years with little ones. 

This morning, Grandma got to hear Jonah read one of his stories from his reading lesson. Grandpa fixed a broken drawer in Lydia's antique dresser. They hung out with the kids while I went to church to practice for a special music for the service tomorrow. Then, Grandpa stayed home with the boys while Grandma, Lydia, and I went shopping at a few places in town.

While we were out and again after lunch, Grandpa (with a little help from the boys) worked on sorting Legos and cleaning up the boys' room. Jonah and Silas are SO excited about their clean room. And, I am, too! 

Also this afternoon, the boys decorated gingerbread men that Grandma made.

I was finally able to hang this vinyl lettering over my nativity scene that is in a display area over our stairs. I LOVE it! 

We also got most of the house picked up and about half of it vacuumed. I am so thankful for the help we had in making our crazy home a little more sane! And, we are all so thankful for the kindness of my parents to help us with all of these things!

And, Jude - he was just hanging out enjoying all of the extra cuddles and attention. He has not been sleeping well
at night for almost a month. We are exhausted! He has been ending up in our bed at some point nearly every night. Thankfully he slept until 6:15 this morning after only waking up once to eat last night. I snapped this picture this morning after I fed Jude. I think it perfectly depicts nights with our baby in this tiring stage of life.

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