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Saturday, July 12, 2014

One Thing - 7/12/14

In yesterday's post, I said that this past week was a busy one - busy with tons of home selling/buying tasks. We praise God that we were able to have a contract on a house to buy in Mora in place on a Tuesday at the end of June and then had an offer on our house here in Wahoo just 3 days later! This past week was the week of inspections - home inspection on the house in Mora, furnace inspection, fire place inspection, termite inspection, radon mitigation estimate on our house here in Wahoo. On top of that, there was more negotiation on closing dates for both houses (originally our closing date in Wahoo was a week and a half before our closing in Mora). Plus we worked on getting insurance quotes for home/auto in Minnesota.  And, we had tons of paperwork to deal with for our new mortgage. This week it seemed like selling and buying houses became a full-time job. Thankfully, everything went great! As far as we know, all that is left is the appraisals of both homes. Assuming all continues to go as planned, we will be out of Wahoo and moved into our home in Mora in less than a month! By the end of the week we were all feeling the need to get out of the house, get our minds on something else, and have some fun. So, Chick-fil-a's Cow Appreciation Day came at a perfect time. Dress like a cow and get a free meal - fun and thrifty! Even though the closest Chick-fil-a is nearly an hour away in a suburb of Omaha, we made an evening out of it.

Jude looks like he doesn't want anyone messing with his Chikin

Cow Boys

And a Cow Girl

Lydia was half frightened and half intrigued by the giant cow. All throughout our meal, she would point and exclaim "Cow! There it is!" But, any time the cow would come close and try to interact with her she looked a little freaked out.

At the end of our meal, we enjoyed visiting with an elderly couple sitting at the table next to us. They couldn't believe that we didn't pay a dime for our meal because we dressed like cows. Maybe we should have shared our spots?!

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