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Sunday, March 30, 2014

One Thing - 3/30/14

The kids and I spent some time at Triangle Park this evening. It was a beautiful evening as the wind had finally died down a bit. We played by ourselves for a while and then some new kids that we hadn't met before came to play. The boys played basketball with a boy who was probably about 8 and was super kind to them - letting them play with his basketball, teaching them a few basketball terms, and taking turns shooting the ball. Jonah and the other boy were wearing blue shirts so they became Kentucky. Silas was wearing a navy blue and yellow shirt so he was Michigan...hmm a 8ish and 5 year old against a 3 year old, can you guess who won? Kentucky.

Lydia enjoyed running all over the park and taking a few spins on the merry go round. She really wanted to climb the jungle gym but is still too little. Yet, nothing stops her from trying to do what the big kids are doing! There is a small steep hill in the middle of the park that separates the merry go round from the swings and jungle gym. The first few times Lydia slid down on her bottom. As she gained more confidence, she started walking up and down it. Once when she was walking up the steep incline, she fell backward then ended up doing a few rolls down to the bottom of the hill. I gave her a moment before going after her to see how she would react. She whimpered at first but then seemed to think it was pretty cool. Someday when I am not pregnant I will roll steep hills with her! 

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