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Monday, March 31, 2014

One Thing - 3/31/14

Even though these days of caring for 3 little ones while growing another are so tiring and I often long for peace, quiet, and sleep, there are also many things that I want to remember and not let just pass by. One of those things has been a sweet bedtime routine with Silas that just kind of came about without planning or even consciously making part of our evenings. When both Mike and I are home at bedtime, I usually get Lydia ready for bed while Mike takes care of the boys. I get Lydia in bed before the boys and then go in to say goodnight to them. By this time of night I am wiped out! So, a few months ago, it became a habit for me to lay down in Silas' bottom bunk while the boys finished up getting ready for bed. Silas knows how much I like his bed and has recently started inviting me to come lay in his bed. Some nights he even comes into Lydia's room while I am praying and singing with her offering to turn off her light or close her door so that I can come and lay in his bed. He will move his pillow or stuffed animals to make room for me and ask me so sweetly, "Do you think my bed is cozy?" Or "Is my bed the coziest bed in our house?" Then, he will find a book and climb into the bed with me so I can read to him before Mike does a bedtime story with both boys. Tonight, he first brought 2 chapter books to me to read. I told him he needed to pick a shorter book. He replaced those and returned with 2 story books. I told him again that he needed to pick just one book and out the other one back. He left one with me and as he turned to put the other one away he exclaimed, "Don't start reading it without me!" Sweet boy, I'm not sure if he thought I would start reading the children's book to myself or what. I just LOVE these few moments that we get together and know that they aren't going to last. There will come a day that he won't be anxious for me to climb into his bed with him. And, even more immediately, a time is coming very soon that there will be a hungry baby to feed as soon as I am free. I will take every chance I get to climb into my little boy's bed and read to him.

One more Silas story...the other night Silas came into Lydia's room while I was reading to her and wanted to climb up onto my lap as we sat in the rocking chair. There was very little room left for him since Lydia was on one knee and my ever-growing belly was taking up most of my lap. He struggled to climb up and I couldn't offer much help. As he kept climbing and slipping he asked, "Is this baby big enough to be born yet?" I think someone is ready to have a little more room in Mommy's lap!

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