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Thursday, April 3, 2014

One Thing - 4/3/14

As an SLP and a mom, it is easy to focus on the speech and language development of my little ones. Jonah has always been ahead of the game in all areas. However, he has always had a frontal lisp. My goal for him was to have it corrected by the time he started kindergarten. We have worked on it off and on for about a year. We've never been too intense about it but practiced a bit here and there. Jonah has been very aware of where the "s" and "z" sounds are in his words and quickly got to the point that he could read whole books using correct tongue placement. But, he had not yet started using it in conversation, which tends to be the most difficult part of learning correct production of a sound. So, a couple of weeks ago when Jonah was asking how he could get more Legos, I made a quick promise that if he could use his good "s" and "z" sounds all the time for a week that I would buy him a new lego set. Little did I realize just how motivating that promise would be...it was like he flipped a switch and started using correct tongue placement with nearly 100% accuracy. Crazy! One week and a day later he met his goal. Today, his new Lego Creator Mountain Hut arrived via UPS. From the time it arrived this afternoon until it was time for baths, Jonah built and re-built and created!

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