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Saturday, October 19, 2013

One Thing - 10/19/13

Supper was a winner at our house tonight. Mealtimes are usually not too much of a problem at our house. All of our kids eat pretty well and aren't too picky. But, every once in awhile we have a winner. A meal that everyone wants seconds of. That makes me happy! Tonight's menu was slow cooker pork loin, twice-baked potatoes (I make a huge batch once or twice a year and freeze them), butternut squash from our garden (we have all been looking forward to our squash harvest since we planted our garden in the spring!), coleslaw (yes, a bit odd, but I have been wanting some recently and bakers had cabbage mix on managers special yesterday), and raspberries (also on sale yesterday!). Everyone thanked me for the meal. Silas even tried to write me a thank you note after supper! And, Jonah wanted to pray to me to thank me for the food...we quickly put an end to that one. I guess tonight makes up for all those nights when we have to keep encouraging our kids to keep eating or hold back their fruit until they have eaten most of their meal. 

One sweet moment from our meal - Mike was so kindly praising my cooking abilities. Silas said to him, "Daddy, you are good at cooking things in the kitchen, too." Mike disagreed with him saying that I was the better cook. Silas, being our thoughtful one as he always is, says, "But Daddy you are good at making food with bread and cheese." Yes, Mike does make good cheese sandwiches!

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