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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Birdie & Monkey

Birdie and Monkey are two of the most important friends in our lives right now. Birdie belongs to Jonah. Monkey belongs to Silas. Silas received Monkey as a baby gift from my cousin. Initially, Jonah really liked Monkey and played with him a fair amount. We brought him on a vacation last summer. The first night of our vacation, Silas woke up screaming and could not settle down for anything, which is so unusual for him. After trying everything else that we could to quiet him down, we thought we would try giving him a stuffed animal to clutch. It worked. Since then, Silas can't sleep without him and Monkey is often found riding in a Little People school bus or dancing to whatever music is playing.

Jonah got Birdie for his birthday in November from my aunt. Jonah has never attached to a stuffed animal before but for some reason ever since he set eyes on Birdie they have been best friends. Jonah named Birdie "Heezy." We have no idea where that name came from. One day, we asked him where he got that name from and his reply was, "I heard it in the bathroom." Huh?!?! What does that mean? Birdie takes naps with Jonah and sleeps with him at night. Often times, Jonah prefers that if we ask him a question that we also address Heezy. I have kissed and hugged Heezy and brushed his feathers. Just now, Jonah brought me Heezy and said, "Mommy, you are a nurse. You take care of Birdie." Then, he proceeded to find a play knife from our kitchen set and start cutting Heezy's hair. Yesterday, Jonah told us that Heezy came from Kababa. Anyone know where that it? :)

Mike set up this picture the other day when Monkey and Birdie were down in the basement. He showed me and I just thought about that one day years from now we will look back on this picture or find Heezy and Monkey after them being packed away for some time after the boys are through with them and smile and remember how sweet this time of life with an imaginative 3 year old and a busy, loving, and sweet 18 month old was. And, we will miss it.


  1. Sounds like something out of Toy Story. Very cute.

  2. That is SO CUTE!! I love the name Heezy, too. Jonah is so creative. :) Heezy and Monkey would probably be good friends with Dee, Ellie's bunny. She also came up with that name, and we're not sure where she got it from. This is a fun stage of life! - Jeni
