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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Nap Time

Yes, I know that it has been months since I have posted anything. I'm sure most of our blog readers already know that we are expecting baby #3. It has been a rough 4-5 months at our house. But, I am finally feeling better overall and am starting to finally feel recovered from living in "survival mode." The house is being cleaned up on a somewhat regular basis. Most meals are being cooked rather than heated up. And, I am maybe starting to have a little time to do some of the "extras," which includes blogging.

Nap times at our house have been going through a bit of a transition over the past few months as Jonah, now 3 1/2, is not napping much anymore. It has been a struggle for me. We can so easily see that his body needs to nap - the circles under his eyes, his short-temper, his emotional lability. But, he seems to simply not let himself quiet down and rest. So, we often let him have quiet time in his room which is usually not too quiet. Some days are better than others. Yesterday was a bad day. Today was a much better day. All that being said, Jonah's bright, imaginative mind is such a blessing and encouragement to us. These days he is constantly asking questions. It gets wearing after awhile, but he is doing it because he is curious. He wants to learn. He wants to know about life. Today after his quiet time was over Jonah came to me to tell me that he was working at his computer. He ran back to his room for a few minutes and came back again to talk about his computer. I asked him what his computer was and his only response was "letters and numbers." Later in the afternoon, I went up to his bedroom and immediately saw that he had taken his bedrail off his bed and had it on his floor. My first response was to be upset because he did something he knew he wasn't supposed to do. Then, I saw that he had the frame of a wooden alphabet/number puzzle on the floor in front of the bedrail. I got it! The bedrail was a computer monitor and the puzzle frame was the keyboard (we have a Mac desktop). His little mind amazes me!

Something that I am trying to work really hard on in myself is allowing Jonah to be and grow into the little guy that he was created to be. He thinks in amazing ways, and I need to be allowing him and encouraging him to continue thinking, imagining, and creating. Instead of being frustrated at the extra work that he may be causing me to have to do (like putting a bedrail back on his bed), I am trying to shift my focus onto figuring out how his mind works, who God created him to be, and to be in prayer about and excited for how God is going to use him as he grows.

This is Silas. So far he is pretty simple to figure out. He is sneaky. He is funny. He has a kind and generous heart. He loves life. He recently learned to yell, "No, mine!" He loves nap time. And, this is what we get to see every morning and every afternoon when we get him up.

More to come about our growing family! Next Monday (May 7) is the big 20-week ultrasound. We are excited to find out if we are having boy #3 or girl #1. Jonah is convinced it is a girl...I think it is mostly because he loves the Berenstain Bears and would live life in Bear Country if he could. He needs to have a Sister if he is going to be just like them.

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