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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Jonah Funnies

Jonah has an amazing imagination and is really developing in his cognition/reasoning skills. Everyday he says something that makes me wonder how he came up with it. I love these developing abilities. Life is never dull! Here are a few of the things he has come up with recently:

Evidence of Reasoning: We were all going to watch a video together the other night before bed. Since Silas was watching too, I was suggesting videos to Jonah that Silas might like. Our conversation went like this:
Me: "Would you like to watch Baby Signing Time?"
Jonah: "No. Baby Signing Time is for babies. I am not a baby. I am a boy. It's not called BOY signing time. It's called BABY signing time."
He was right on. No arguing that one!

Evidence of a Continued Need for Development of Reasoning:
A brief conversation while dealing with an issue of disobedience-
Me: "What can you do when it's really, really tough for you to obey Mommy?"
Jonah: "Disobey."

Example of Jonah's Imagination:
When we went in to get Jonah out of bed this morning, the first thing he said was...
Jonah: "I brought Mommy to the earth."
Me: "What did we do then?"
Jonah: "We flied to the moon."
Me: "Oooh. Cool! What did we see there?"
Jonah: "Planets, stars, and a rocketship!"

A Bit of Jonah's Humor:
The other day at nap time Jonah requested to have his stuffed animal Cookie Monster in bed with him. He usually sleeps with 3-5 stuffed animals. When I gave it to him he exclaimed, "Now there is a MONSTER in my bed!"

Irregular past tense verbs are really difficult for Jonah right now (as they should be). We have had a few funny conversations with them recently.

First one: Jonah is now able to "read" simple 3-4 letter words by saying the letter sounds and then blending them. I was writing some on the driveway for him to figure out. He is really good at familiar words and has to take a little more time with unfamiliar words. One word I wrote was "SOD." He sounded it out and blended it correctly. Then, he got so excited and said, "Mommy, I sawed a car go by."

Second one: A teen from our church named Doug came to our house last night selling something as a fundraiser for the school's football team. Jonah is really into knowing people's names, so he asked and confirmed Doug's name a number of times during our short conversation. This morning, Jonah picked up the fundraising card off of the table and asked, "Mommy, is this from Dig?"

It is amazing to watch and be a part of Jonah's development at this stage in life. Although there are things that are difficult about 2 1/2, I love each day with Jonah and am soooo thankful that I am blessed to be a mostly-stay-at-home mom!

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