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Friday, August 5, 2011

Silas Turns One

Silas is over 13 months now, but July 3rd we were able to celebrate our little boy turning one year old! It is amazing how fast each month, each week, and each day go by. Our celebration was small - just our little family - but it was a sweet time of thanking the Lord for the life he has created in Silas.
Silas is one!
Silas was give $1 for birthday #1 by a nice man from church


It didn't take long for Silas to dive right in

Silas didn't get too excited about opening gifts but loved what he found inside.

Silas had his 12 month check up shortly after his first birthday. He weighed in at 24 pounds, 8 ounces and was 31 inches long. He continues to be a big boy! Silas isn't walking yet but is able to cruise and walks across the room holding on to a push toy or our hands. He can stand for 5-10 seconds without holding on to anything and can go from standing to sitting in a very controlled way. Silas has a handful of words and signs that he uses regularly. He gets very excited about things and loves to giggle and be silly. Cars and trucks continue to be favorite toys, but he is also really liking stuffed animals these days. He loves to hug his monkeys and dogs. We have really enjoyed seeing Silas' personality develop over the past few months. He and Jonah mostly get along really well, and it does my heart so much good to hear them laughing, giggling, and playing together. We are a blessed family and thank God every day for giving us another day together. He is good!

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