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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Slowing Down

This week has finally been a time to slow down and catch up on things that haven't gotten done in awhile. I am still quite far behind and am really looking forward to next week when there is nothing "extra" on the schedule. We haven't had a "normal" week since before our vacation to Minnesota in the middle of June. I am excited for time at home, playing with the boys, and doing a better job of managing our home. And, I am excited to keep going with a few house projects that we didn't quite complete while my parents were here. We need to put up some shelves in our entry closet. And, I started painting our kitchen last week and have just two walls done. I am painting our kitchen and dining room a color called Kimono Red. So far, it looks really good! I am pleased with the color and two coats have seemed to be enough on the previously white walls. I am so excited for when these projects will be done so I can clean up the house a bit!

The past few days have been fun as it has cooled down and I have been home. On Wednesday, the boys and I spent some time at the city park. It was so fun as Jonah is now almost completely independent. He still needs some help climbing on a couple things and with swinging, but he can mostly just do his own thing. What freedom (but definitely less exercise) for me!

Thursday we went down to the zoo in Lincoln. It is a small zoo, perfect for the boys at their ages. We can get through the whole zoo in less than 2 hours. Jonah had fun as always, and this time Silas got really into it. He would get so excited, point, and exclaim "Ooooooh!" at the animals.

Yesterday, we made it back to the library to pick out some new books. In the evening, the library sponsored a supper and kids' concert in the park. It was a beautiful night! We met some new friends there and enjoyed visiting and watching our kids enjoy the music and the playground.

I am looking forward to church tomorrow. Mike is starting a new sermon series on Ruth, which is one of my favorite books of the Bible. And, it is my month to plan music and play piano. We had a great practice today and are excited to lead the church in worship in the morning.

Everything we have done over the past two months has been lots of fun, but we are thrilled about moving back into a slower season of life. Although they aren't super exciting, I cherish our days at home. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Psalm 118:24

Pics from our time at the zoo:

Checking out the armadillo

Feeding the goats - a favorite activity

Jonah really enjoyed the butterfly pavillion

Cooling down in the mist

Silas got in on the misting, too

Jonah was soaked by the time he was done!

Growing but not as big as an eagle...yet!

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